FlavorDB2 Search

A resource for exploring flavor molecules

× Search based on physicochemical properties, regulatory status, natural occurrence, synthesis, and food category of Flavor Molecules
Use one or more search parameters. You may leave any field empty. The search returns results for conjunction of all query parameters.

Go to Advanced Search
× Search based on Food Entities/Natural Ingredients
Start typing; autocomplete will help you. Type ‘wine’ to get suggestions for all wines.

    Click on Entity Name for more info
Entity Name Catgory Natural Source Pair It
× Search based on ‘Natural Sources’ of Food Entities/Ingredients
Start typing; autocomplete will help you. Type ‘Ma’ to get suggestions for Maize.

    Click on Natural Source for more info
Natural Source Catgory Entity Name
× Search for Ingredients/Entities that share flavor molecules
Helps you in finding ingredients with shared flavor profiles