Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders

MeSH ID: D007319
Disease: Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
MeSH Category: Mental Disorders, Nervous System Diseases
MeSH Sub Category: Sleep Wake Disorders

Spices/Herbs associated with Sleep Initiation And Maintenance Disorders

Spice/Herb Name Association Details
Common Lavender 3, 0
Associations of Common Lavender with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
24559818 Common Lavender A Case Series On The Use Of Lavendula... Complementary Therapies In Medicine 2014
22162677 Common Lavender Sedative And Hypnotic Activities Of T... Advances In Pharmacological Sciences 2012
16131287 Common Lavender A Single-Blinded, Randomized Pilot St... Journal Of Alternative And Complement... 2005
No negative associations were obtained for Common Lavender with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Common Lavender with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Star Anise 2, 0
Associations of Star Anise with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
25176510 Star Anise Anisi Stellati Fructus Extract Attenu... International Journal Of Oncology 2014
22476587 Star Anise Protective Effects Of 3,4-Oxo-Isoprop... Digestive Diseases And Sciences 2012
No negative associations were obtained for Star Anise with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Star Anise with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Liquorice 2, 0
Associations of Liquorice with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
21402138 Liquorice Sedative, Hypnotic And Anticonvulsant... Journal Of Ethnopharmacology 2011
20804838 Liquorice Hypnotic Effects And Binding Studies ... Journal Of Ethnopharmacology 2010
No negative associations were obtained for Liquorice with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Liquorice with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Peppermint 2, 0
Associations of Peppermint with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
23061635 Peppermint Menthol--Pharmacology Of An Important... Mini Reviews In Medicinal Chemistry 2013
1891620 Peppermint The Use Of Botanicals For Health Purp... Research In Nursing & Health 1991
No negative associations were obtained for Peppermint with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Peppermint with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Lemon Balm 2, 0
Associations of Lemon Balm with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
24837472 Lemon Balm Hyperactivity, Concentration Difficul... Phytomedicine : International Journal... 2014
20201279 Lemon Balm Chemical Composition And In Vitro Ant... Revista Medico-Chirurgicala A Societa... 2008
No negative associations were obtained for Lemon Balm with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Lemon Balm with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Saffron 1, 0
Associations of Saffron with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
22038919 Saffron Crocin Promotes Non-Rapid Eye Movemen... Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2012
No negative associations were obtained for Saffron with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Saffron with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Garlic 1, 0
Associations of Garlic with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
1891620 Garlic The Use Of Botanicals For Health Purp... Research In Nursing & Health 1991
No negative associations were obtained for Garlic with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Garlic with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Wormseed 1, 0
Associations of Wormseed with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
22754066 Wormseed Anxiolytic Activity Evaluation Of Fou... African Journal Of Traditional, Compl... 2011
No negative associations were obtained for Wormseed with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Wormseed with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Coriander 1, 0
Associations of Coriander with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
15619553 Coriander Coriandrum Sativum: Evaluation Of Its... Journal Of Ethnopharmacology 2005
No negative associations were obtained for Coriander with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Coriander with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
Common Chamomile 1, 0
Associations of Common Chamomile with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
21132119 Common Chamomile Chamomile: A Herbal Medicine Of The P... Molecular Medicine Reports 2010
No negative associations were obtained for Common Chamomile with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Common Chamomile with Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.
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Phytochemicals linked to Sleep Initiation And Maintenance Disorders

PubChem ID Common Name Explore References
No linked phytochemicals were obtained for Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.