Intestinal Diseases

MeSH ID: D007410
Disease: Intestinal Diseases
MeSH Category: Digestive System Diseases
MeSH Sub Category: Gastrointestinal Diseases

Spices/Herbs associated with Intestinal Diseases

Spice/Herb Name Association Details
Parsely 2, 0
Associations of Parsely with Intestinal Diseases
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
21446133 Parsely [Relaxant Activity Of Aqueous And Eth... Medicinski Pregled 2010
19090276 Parsely Spasmolytic Effect Of Petroselinum Cr... Pakistan Journal Of Biological Scienc... 2007
No negative associations were obtained for Parsely with Intestinal Diseases.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
5280343 Quercetin
370 Gallic Acid
5280443 Apigenin
72281 Hesperetin
Szechuan Pepper 1, 0
Associations of Szechuan Pepper with Intestinal Diseases
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
26516578 Szechuan Pepper Intestinal, Portal, And Peripheral Pr... Pharmacology Research & Perspectives 2015
No negative associations were obtained for Szechuan Pepper with Intestinal Diseases.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Szechuan Pepper with Intestinal Diseases.
Ginger 1, 0
Associations of Ginger with Intestinal Diseases
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
26516578 Ginger Intestinal, Portal, And Peripheral Pr... Pharmacology Research & Perspectives 2015
No negative associations were obtained for Ginger with Intestinal Diseases.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
5280343 Quercetin
643820 Nerol
440917 D-Limonene
3314 Eugenol
637563 Trans-Anethole
370 Gallic Acid
Mexican Marigold 1, 0
Associations of Mexican Marigold with Intestinal Diseases
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
28676058 Mexican Marigold Chemical Constituents, Antibacterial ... Bmc Complementary And Alternative Med... 2017
No negative associations were obtained for Mexican Marigold with Intestinal Diseases.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Mexican Marigold with Intestinal Diseases.
Nutmeg 1, 0
Associations of Nutmeg with Intestinal Diseases
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
24063406 Nutmeg Myristica Fragrans Seed Extract Prote... Journal Of Medicinal Food 2013
No negative associations were obtained for Nutmeg with Intestinal Diseases.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
5280343 Quercetin
3314 Eugenol
637563 Trans-Anethole
370 Gallic Acid
Cumin 1, 0
Associations of Cumin with Intestinal Diseases
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
21213976 Cumin Rp-Hplc Analysis Of Jirakadyarishta A... Natural Product Communications 2010
No negative associations were obtained for Cumin with Intestinal Diseases.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
5280343 Quercetin
440917 D-Limonene
5280443 Apigenin
3314 Eugenol
637563 Trans-Anethole
370 Gallic Acid
Mastic 1, 0
Associations of Mastic with Intestinal Diseases
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
21612460 Mastic Pistacia Lentiscus Resin Regulates In... Journal Of Medicinal Food 2011
No negative associations were obtained for Mastic with Intestinal Diseases.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Mastic with Intestinal Diseases.
Garlic 1, 0
Associations of Garlic with Intestinal Diseases
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
16274720 Garlic Effects Of Garlic Oil And Two Of Its ... Toxicology And Applied Pharmacology 2006
No negative associations were obtained for Garlic with Intestinal Diseases.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
147004 Methylselenocysteine
643820 Nerol
16590 Diallyl Disulfide
65036 Allicin
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Phytochemicals linked to Intestinal Diseases

PubChem ID Common Name Explore References
2353 berberine References
5280343 quercetin References