Kidney Neoplasms

MeSH ID: D007680
Disease: Kidney Neoplasms
MeSH Category: Female Urogenital Diseases And Pregnancy Complications, Male Urogenital Diseases, Neoplasms
MeSH Sub Category: Female Urogenital Diseases, Neoplasms By Site, Urologic Diseases, Urogenital Neoplasms

Spices/Herbs associated with Kidney Neoplasms

Spice/Herb Name Association Details
Safflower 1, 0
Associations of Safflower with Kidney Neoplasms
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
2110511 Safflower Effects Of Dietary Perilla Oil, Soybe... Carcinogenesis 1990
No negative associations were obtained for Safflower with Kidney Neoplasms.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Safflower with Kidney Neoplasms.
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Phytochemicals linked to Kidney Neoplasms

PubChem ID Common Name Explore References
68077 Tangeretin References
6918391 BETA-ELEMENE References