Pulmonary Edema

MeSH ID: D011654
Disease: Pulmonary Edema
MeSH Category: Respiratory Tract Diseases
MeSH Sub Category: Lung Diseases

Spices/Herbs associated with Pulmonary Edema

Spice/Herb Name Association Details
Clove 1, 1
Associations of Clove with Pulmonary Edema
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
2773482 Clove Clove Cigarettes. The Basis For Conce... The Western Journal Of Medicine 1989
7844474 Clove Intravenous Eugenol Causes Hemorrhagi... The Journal Of Laboratory And Clinica... 1995

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
5280343 Quercetin
Sesame 1, 0
Associations of Sesame with Pulmonary Edema
PMID Spice Title Journal Year
23710463 Sesame Sesame Oil Attenuates Ovalbumin-Induc... Biomed Research International 2013
No negative associations were obtained for Sesame with Pulmonary Edema.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No phytochemicals were obtained linking Sesame with Pulmonary Edema.
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Phytochemicals linked to Pulmonary Edema

PubChem ID Common Name Explore References
11617 DIALLYL SULFIDE References
969516 curcumin References
5288826 morphine References
5280343 quercetin References
6251 D-mannitol References
5280805 RUTIN References