Water Mint

NCBI Taxonomy ID: 190902
Common Names: Eau De Cologne Mint, Water Mint, Eau De Cologne Mints, Lemon Mint, Bergamot Mint, Orange Mint
Scientific Name: Mentha Aquatica
Wikipedia: click here

Diseases associated with Water Mint

Diseases Association Details
Breast Neoplasms 1, 0
Associations of Water Mint with Breast Neoplasms
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
18768152 Breast Neoplasms Antiproliferative activity against hu... Food and chemical toxicology : an int... 2008
No negative associations were obtained for Water mint with Breast Neoplasms.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
5280443 Apigenin
Depressive Disorder 1, 0
Associations of Water Mint with Depressive Disorder
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
18372132 Depressive Disorder Isolation of the MAO-inhibitor naring... Journal of ethnopharmacology 2008
No negative associations were obtained for Water mint with Depressive Disorder.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water mint-Depressive Disorder association.
Melanoma 1, 0
Associations of Water Mint with Melanoma
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
18768152 Melanoma Antiproliferative activity against hu... Food and chemical toxicology : an int... 2008
No negative associations were obtained for Water mint with Melanoma.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water mint-Melanoma association.
Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C 1, 0
Associations of Water Mint with Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
18775771 Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C Review on plants with CNS-effects use... Journal of ethnopharmacology 2008
No negative associations were obtained for Water mint with Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water mint-Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C association.
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Phytochemicals in Water Mint

PubChem ID Common Name Explore
5280443 Apigenin
72281 Hesperetin
5280442 Acacetin
5280637 Cynaroside
9851181 Isorhoifolin
5317025 Linarin