Water Pepper

NCBI Taxonomy ID: 46901
Common Names: Water Pepper, Marshpepper Smartweed, Marshpepper Knotweed, Smartweed
Scientific Name: Persicaria Hydropiper
Wikipedia: click here

Diseases associated with Water Pepper

Diseases Association Details
Hemorrhoids 1, 0
Associations of Water Pepper with Hemorrhoids
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
25472835 Hemorrhoids Heavy metals analysis, phytochemical,... BMC complementary and alternative med... 2014
No negative associations were obtained for Water pepper with Hemorrhoids.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water pepper-Hemorrhoids association.
Inflammation 1, 0
Associations of Water Pepper with Inflammation
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
25472835 Inflammation Heavy metals analysis, phytochemical,... BMC complementary and alternative med... 2014
No negative associations were obtained for Water pepper with Inflammation.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water pepper-Inflammation association.
Arthritis, Rheumatoid 1, 0
Associations of Water Pepper with Arthritis, Rheumatoid
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
22182430 Arthritis, Rheumatoid In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammator... Journal of ethnopharmacology 2012
No negative associations were obtained for Water pepper with Arthritis, Rheumatoid.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water pepper-Arthritis, Rheumatoid association.
Dyspepsia 1, 0
Associations of Water Pepper with Dyspepsia
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
25472835 Dyspepsia Heavy metals analysis, phytochemical,... BMC complementary and alternative med... 2014
No negative associations were obtained for Water pepper with Dyspepsia.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water pepper-Dyspepsia association.
Menorrhagia 1, 0
Associations of Water Pepper with Menorrhagia
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
25472835 Menorrhagia Heavy metals analysis, phytochemical,... BMC complementary and alternative med... 2014
No negative associations were obtained for Water pepper with Menorrhagia.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water pepper-Menorrhagia association.
Helminthiasis 1, 0
Associations of Water Pepper with Helminthiasis
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
25472835 Helminthiasis Heavy metals analysis, phytochemical,... BMC complementary and alternative med... 2014
No negative associations were obtained for Water pepper with Helminthiasis.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water pepper-Helminthiasis association.
Brain Diseases, Metabolic 1, 0
Associations of Water Pepper with Brain Diseases, Metabolic
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
25472835 Brain Diseases, Metabolic Heavy metals analysis, phytochemical,... BMC complementary and alternative med... 2014
No negative associations were obtained for Water pepper with Brain Diseases, Metabolic.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water pepper-Brain Diseases, Metabolic association.
Diarrhea 1, 0
Associations of Water Pepper with Diarrhea
PMID Disease Title Journal Year
25472835 Diarrhea Heavy metals analysis, phytochemical,... BMC complementary and alternative med... 2014
No negative associations were obtained for Water pepper with Diarrhea.

Linked Phytochemicals
PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals found for Water pepper-Diarrhea association.
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Phytochemicals in Water Pepper

PubChem ID Common Name Explore
No linked phytochemicals were obtained for Water Pepper.