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By cooking processes, top 50 recipes similar to:

Challah in a Hurry

Recipe Title Region Country Similarity Index
Amish White Bread US US 0.65
Southern Biscuits with Mayonnaise US US 0.65
Venice High School Cherry Butter Cookies US US 0.63
Sweet Potato Pie VII US US 0.61
Chevre Cheesecake US US 0.61
Chocolate Chip Pie IV US US 0.61
Zucchini Pineapple Bread II US US 0.61
Cowboy Cookies I US US 0.60
Haroset US US 0.59
Miami Chocolate Chip Cookies US US 0.59
Sweet Corn Tomalito US US 0.59
Chicago Style Stuffed Pizza US US 0.58
Everything Challah US US 0.58
Sy's Challah US US 0.58
Southern Moon Pies US US 0.58
Tiramisu Cheesecake US US 0.58
Aloha Chicken US US 0.56
Chantal's New York Cheesecake US US 0.56
Old Plantation Rolls US US 0.56
Eric's Best New York Style Cheesecake US US 0.56
Cheddar and Olive Balls US US 0.56
Devil's Food Cake I US US 0.56
Easy Challah Bread US US 0.56
Italian Easter Bread (Anise Flavored) US US 0.55
Sour Cream Waffles US US 0.55
Sourdough Bread II US US 0.55
San Francisco Sourdough Bread US US 0.55
Hawaii Chicken US US 0.55
Southern Butter Rolls US US 0.55
Amish Cinnamon Bread US US 0.55
Alaskan Smoked Salmon Dip US US 0.54
Virginia Clise Bread US US 0.54
Mark's Surprise Meatloaf US US 0.54
Original Blue Cheese Coleslaw US US 0.54
Biscochitos Traditional Cookies US US 0.54
Savannah's Perfectly Ravishing Red Velvet Cake US US 0.54
Potato Chip Cookies V US US 0.54
Potato Chip Cookies V US US 0.54
Fresh Pear Bread US US 0.54
Taro Rolls US US 0.54
Lemon Poppy Seed Amish Friendship Bread US US 0.54
Sourdough Bread III US US 0.54
Hamentashen with Brownie Filling US US 0.54
Arizona Cheesy Chimichanga Dip US US 0.54
Orange Party Cake I US US 0.54
Swedish Meat Pies US US 0.53
Shoofly Pie I US US 0.53
Hawaiian Tarts US US 0.53
Texas Trash Dip US US 0.53
Cheesecake Supreme US US 0.53