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Showing all recipes from israeli cuisine

Recipe Title Region Country Servings Calories (KCal) Protein (g) Fat (g) More Info
Whole Rice and Lentils (Majadara) Middle Eastern Israeli 8 1242.0815 16.7013 60.6352
Moroccan Shabbat Fish Middle Eastern Israeli 6 3068.2712 547.0434 71.1227
Apples in Pajamas Middle Eastern Israeli 8 8068.4893 21.0436 843.0712
Israeli Salad Middle Eastern Israeli 5 1259.5057 13.6405 111.9441
Chakchouka (Shakshouka) Middle Eastern Israeli 4 852.0018 33.1885 61.5706
Foolproof Potato Latkes Middle Eastern Israeli 5 691.218 14.32 64.17
Fast and Easy Israeli Tahini Cookies Middle Eastern Israeli 24 1975.876 37.401 100.8
Apple and Honey Sorbet Middle Eastern Israeli 8 1329.5683 0.9242 0.4036
Strudel Roll Cookies Middle Eastern Israeli 18 3072.3525 30.1039 283.4573
Hawaij_All-Purpose Seasoning Middle Eastern Israeli 36 139.717 6.0073 4.9636
Fresh Israeli Salad Middle Eastern Israeli 3 194.3762 9.9022 1.5137
Israeli Tomato and Cucumber Salad Middle Eastern Israeli 6 1033.203 4.2494 108.9819
Yummy Matzo Rolls Middle Eastern Israeli 4 1304.306 38.1876 128.432
Cheese Bourekas Middle Eastern Israeli 12 315.9636 18.0027 23.9276
Israeli Stuffed Dates Middle Eastern Israeli 25 1404.714 18.0003 99.6587
Authentic Middle Eastern Hummus (Chummus) Middle Eastern Israeli 8 1086.895 31.9075 96.0321
Matbucha Middle Eastern Israeli 6 375.418 16.0387 4.5599
Sambusaks (Sumboosaks) with Chickpeas Middle Eastern Israeli 11 2317.7863 131.0768 112.0075
Shakshuka Middle Eastern Breakfast Dish Middle Eastern Israeli 2 532.4837 32.8716 29.4436
Shakshooka Middle Eastern Israeli 6 1015.3055 53.9185 59.3451