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By category composition, top 50 recipes similar to:

Colcannon (Mashed Potatoes With Cabbage)

Recipe Title Region Country Similarity Index
Swiss Fried Potatoes (Rosti) Deutschland Swiss 0.95
Swiss Baked Potatoes Deutschland Swiss 0.95
Scalloped Tomatoes au Gratin Eastern European Czech 0.95
Sambharam Indian Subcontinent Indian 0.95
Norwegian Parsley Potatoes Scandinavian Norwegian 0.95
Greek Red Pepper Feta Dip Greek Greek 0.95
Greek Low-Fat Red Pepper Feta Dip Greek Greek 0.95
Radish & Scallion Salad Eastern European Russian 0.95
Danish Cabbage Scandinavian Danish 0.95
Sweet Potatoes, Baked over (Germany) Deutschland German 0.95
Spruiten Puree (Puree of Brussels Sprouts) Belgian Dutch 0.95
Carrots Glazed With Balsamic Vinegar and Butter Irish Irish 0.95
Skillet Red Cabbage Deutschland German 0.95
Fried Broccoli Melt Irish Irish 0.94
Old Style Lobster Chowder Canadian Canadian 0.93
Cayenne Shortbread UK Scottish 0.93
Swiss Broccoli Soup Deutschland Swiss 0.93
Brunede Kartofler Scandinavian Swedish 0.93
Senapsgrädde (Mustard Cream Sauce) Scandinavian Swedish 0.93
Glazed Carrots French French 0.93
Braised Carrots Deutschland German 0.93
Guinness Sprouts Irish Irish 0.93
Icelandic Caramel Potatoes Scandinavian Swedish 0.93
Caramelised Potatoes (Sukkerbrunede Kartofler) Scandinavian Swedish 0.93
Horse-Radish Butter- Pepperotsmor Scandinavian Swedish 0.93
Italian Sausage and Cabbage Italian Italian 0.93
Italian Spinach in Butter Italian Italian 0.93
Broccoli with Mustard Butter Irish Irish 0.93
Caramelized Potatoes Brunede Kartofler (Brunede Kartofler) Scandinavian Swedish 0.93
Low Calorie Boston Clam chowder Canadian Canadian 0.93
Irish Potato Farls Irish Irish 0.93
Cabbage Braised in Butter Irish Irish 0.93
Grilled Potato Wedges Canadian Canadian 0.92
Roast Veal with Cream Sauce (Kalbsbraten mit Sahnesosse) Deutschland German 0.92
Mohrengemuse (German Carrot Side Dish) Deutschland German 0.92
Icelandic Salmon Grill Scandinavian Swedish 0.92
Leek and Dubliner Scones (Biscuits) Irish Irish 0.92
Brussels Sprouts in Lemon Cream Canadian Canadian 0.92
Skillet Spanish Rice Spanish and Portuguese Spanish 0.92
Kartoffelpuree Meerrettich (Mashed Potatoes With Horseradish Cre Deutschland German 0.92
Anita's Polish Pierogies Eastern European Polish 0.92
Jaegerkohl (Hunter's Cabbage) Deutschland German 0.92
Cake Doughnuts Canadian Canadian 0.92
Cucumber and Sour Creme "Miseria" Eastern European Polish 0.92
Mediterranean Oregano Carrots Canadian Canadian 0.92
Mennonite Cucumbers Canadian Canadian 0.92
Finnish Browned Rutabagas - (Paistetut Lantut - Finland) Scandinavian Finnish 0.92
Scalloped Potatoes Canadian Canadian 0.92
German Potato Pancakes Deutschland German 0.92
Chicken Paprika Eastern European Polish 0.92